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About My Family
There are five people in my family. my mom, my dad, and two sisters, Lisa and Jennifer. There's not much to say about my family, cept for my sisters and i never get along.
We live in Chippewa Falls, pretty much out in the middle of no where, but its not that bad.
I have two dogs, Tucker James, and Queenie, and a cat, Allie Cat, who just had six kittens, but one died.

My Favorite Things To Do
I like to hang out with my friends, chat on line and write poems and short stories.

Some of My Favorite People
Some of my favorite people are my grandparents on my dad's side of the family and my grandma on my mom's side. they both always give me my own way, no matter what.
My best friend just happens to be my boyfriend, Mike. I dont know why, but no matter what he always seems to want to be there for me no matter how badly I dont want him to be.

My favorite little person is my cousin, Mariah Ann, she is about 21 months old and is so understanding for a baby. she is so cute with her curly brown hair and big brown eyes. She's my baby.